Thursday, March 31, 2011


It can be really hard to get back to blogging when you haven't done it in a long while. I can't believe I used to do it every day for two years! Can I get back to that? I don't know. I find that I've shrunk back from public view, probably to protect myself, but in reality, it's not a good thing. So. Here I am. Again.

These days I'm working on doing things that are not stressful. I realize that after saying that you're going to think I've gone completely mad when I tell you what I'm up to, but these are things I don't find stressful. At least not in a bad way. So here goes;

I'm working on finishing up my zombie book. Half of it is art so it's taking me a while, but boy, is it fun to work on. And gross. And I love it when someone sees what I'm doing and lets out an "Ewwwww!"

There are two steampunk costumes I need to finish up. One is for Eric and his steampunk Scottish ball. That is coming up next weekend. The other costume is for me at the Convergence convention this year. The convention is in the beginning of July so I have a little time for that one. I'm also working on a portable video camera monitor and two way communication so that I can "bring" someone with me to the convention and they can see what I see and do in realtime and I can talk with them as well. If it works it's going to be sooo much fun this year.

Pam has needed graphic design work for her business card and "Chico" bags. That's almost done.

I'm working on a steampunk chandelier for the dining room.

Working on an Etsy site and getting someone else to run it. I would like to just be an artist for once. :-)

Genealogy, of course is not forgotten and I'm working on a website for it. It's hard for me to know when to start throwing things up on line. It's an unending project so...? I should just bite the bullet and do it as is. Maybe after the weekend. Yeah...

There is more, always more, but for now, I'm done.