Monday, August 24, 2009

Food and Skulls

Last night Edwin and I visited our friend Scott, only to find out that Sunday night is also neighbor night and they all bring food. After a meal of steak, bacon wrapped pork loin, rabbit spaghetti, chinese salad and corn on the cob, I was pretty much in a food coma. It was great. I also got to try the infamous Crystal Head Vodka that Dan Aykroid sells. I want the bottle!

Today I found out that peaches are now on the list of things I can't eat. It's sad, but swollen eyelids are not pretty. And I'm still trying to get my energy back. They pack a mean punch.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bummer about the peaches! I bought some at a country roadside stand this side of Chico on our way back from WA. They were so fresh, juicy and sweet, but I'm on my own to eat them. Greg has issues with peaches, too. They make his throat swell up and his voice fades.