Monday, May 9, 2011

Lazy Days

Just a quick post to say I'm still alive, just a bit unmotivated with a lot to do. Rehearsals have started and I'm loving it, but it wears me out. They make for long days. This weekend I spent my time watching movies and crocheting a sweater. It was nothing important and it was relaxing. I should have been doing a billion other things. I am in a lazy mood.

So, off I go to get some stuff done that I have been avoiding. :-)


Unknown said...

Rehearsals for what?

Stella said...

I'm shadowing a director for "Torch Song Trilogy" trying to learn. :-) It's a lot of fun and I'm learning tons, but I am oh, so tired these days.

Unknown said...

Ok, I'll try again. I know you answered, but the "comments" were erased before I could access them. What's with that?!
Anyway, I wanted to know what you were rehearsing for?

Stella said...

I wonder what happened to my comment? Weird! Hope this one works. Anyway, I' shadowing a director. Just learning. It's lots of fun but exhausting.