Saturday, February 28, 2009

Shooting Leo

Leo was good enough to pose for me today.

He didn't have much to say about it.

He has the most amazing whiskers.

A little too much cat nip?

Playing with lighting is fun.

Love those whiskers.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Other People's Whine

I enquired about a job this morning and received back a 3,124 word rant about what the guy isn't looking for. It was a mass email designed to weed out applicants. I won't make you read the whole thing, but here one example.

"More broadly, what I sense at root is these objectors are simply too

lazy and criminal-minded to excel at anything and would rather I give

them the work as a handout simply because they exist (without a

demonstration of merit) and subsequently expect me to tolerate

their non-productivity while they claim they will do the work during

periods when other higher priorities are absent (higher priorities

such as watching tv or getting drunk, for example)."

All I can say is I won't be working for him. I'm looking for someone who is a bit less jaded and bit more emotionally stable.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I don't know who took this picture. But it's great.

I've got ideas. Books I want to write, pictures I want to take, things I want to make and music in my head that wants to be written. What I don't have is ideas that make money. I'm working on that, but it's going a lot slower than the ideas for creative projects. *sigh*  

People want money for a lot of reasons. Houses and cars and fine things. I want money to buy more time with. In my mind, money equals time. If I had more money, I could spend more time working on my creative ideas. But in order to have more money I have to spend more time working for it, and then, more money equals less time. Doesn't make much sense, does it? Welcome to my unbalanced mind.

Monday, February 23, 2009


I finished the trilogy just to find out there was a fourth book. Not done yet.  The books were fun. I enjoyed them quite a bit. I'm going to try not to read for a little bit, but Edwin keeps bringing me home more books! He likes to tempt me and feed my addictions...

Tonight I'm off with Emily exploring the terrifying passages of MOA. (Mall of America)  We're going to try and get some headshots there. We'll see if I get kicked out. I'm keeping a tally now of how many places I've been kicked out of for taking pictures. But the mall is a tourist trap, and tourists have cameras, right?  Should be OK.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Saturday Silliness


I've manages to put down "The Subtle Knife" long enough to blog.  Quentin came by today bringing treats to ruin my diet and we watched "Death Note."  We were disappointed, it wasn't great, but it was entertaining.  

Quentin put his hat on Pepita (one of the cats) and she just sat there, wobbling slowly like she was drunk. Eventually she started backing up to get it off and then looked at us as if she was saying, "What?"  I was laughing so hard I was crying. Quentin wasn't far behind.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Golden Compass

I started reading the Golden Compass last night. This is yet another banned book in some places. Apparently, if your you are an atheist author and you right a book whose characters are fighting religion, well, your freedom of speech is limited. I'm really tired of this.

I'm an atheist. There, I said it. I'm also a feminist, a liberal (of the bleeding heart variety) pro-choice, pro gay marriage, AND I read banned books. That includes the Bible. I read it cover to cover 3 times. How many Christians can say that?

Maybe now someone will ban my blog and I can get a really good following.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Photo Editing

One of the projects I'm working on is photo editing services. I've been sending emails to photography studios and people I think may be interested. So, in the interest of even more self-promotion, here are some examples I've been sending out.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I spent the day today cleaning the basement. It still isn't done but I made a huge dent. I've also been reading the last book of "The Bartimaeus Trilogy" by Jonathan Stroud. It's another fantasy book, but this time the demon has the lead in the story. It's a fun read, and I can't get over the footnotes made by the demon. it's hysterical

Lately I've been thinking about moving. The house is great and so is the neighborhood, but the payments are taking their toll on me.  I've been thinking that I can get a larger place at a cheaper price in a different location. Not to mention that with the economy as it is, places are much more reasonable. I don't know yet, but it's a thought.

Leo has decided to pitch in and deliver pizzas.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Quilts, Books and Fathers

Scottie Dogs quilt by Holy Dolkas

I've been working on more website stuff today, but I've reached a point where my eyes are refusing to focus, so I think it's time for a break. 

I love the idea of a long weekend. I'm finding myself really looking forward to them lately. It's funny, but the reason I look forward to them is because I can work all I want without too many interruptions. I also feel like I can read all I want. 

Being a book addict, I have to be careful when I choose to read. I can easily read a book in a day, but I try to spread it out over a few. It rarely works. Today I finished "The Divide" series by Elizabeth Kay. Edwin bought them for me. They're kids books, like 'Harry Potter." A light, easy read. 

The "new" father. Old picture.

My father sent me a necklace for Valentine's Day. simple silver with a pearl dangle. Pretty! It's been odd getting a parent at 47 years old. Even odder getting a parent who is truly interested in what I do. It's nice. I could get used to it.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Funding Fantasy Land

First order of business today: Find enough money to pay the bills.

This is the problem with artists. They really don't plan ahead. We know all about history. We've read about recessions, depressions and other disasters. We create art work based on them, stemming from them... we just don't plan on them. 

We work hard. Really! I work all day, every day. I eat, drink and sleep art. (remind me to tell you about the wereturtles.) We live in fantasy land, which is a very nice place to live, except that it doesn't pay the real life bills. So...  

Revised first order of business: Live in reality.