Saturday, February 14, 2009

Quilts, Books and Fathers

Scottie Dogs quilt by Holy Dolkas

I've been working on more website stuff today, but I've reached a point where my eyes are refusing to focus, so I think it's time for a break. 

I love the idea of a long weekend. I'm finding myself really looking forward to them lately. It's funny, but the reason I look forward to them is because I can work all I want without too many interruptions. I also feel like I can read all I want. 

Being a book addict, I have to be careful when I choose to read. I can easily read a book in a day, but I try to spread it out over a few. It rarely works. Today I finished "The Divide" series by Elizabeth Kay. Edwin bought them for me. They're kids books, like 'Harry Potter." A light, easy read. 

The "new" father. Old picture.

My father sent me a necklace for Valentine's Day. simple silver with a pearl dangle. Pretty! It's been odd getting a parent at 47 years old. Even odder getting a parent who is truly interested in what I do. It's nice. I could get used to it.

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