Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spas, Giant TVs and Exersise

Wii Fit

Emily took me too a spa yesterday for my birthday. I got to soak in a jacuzzi (hope that's spelled right) and I got a pedicure. For lunch we went to Red Lobster and then went to her house to try out the Wii Fit. That was fun! Now I want a Wii Fit. I though it was too much fun for it to be real exersise but, Ouch! Yup. I'm out of shape. Big surprise. 

Today I'm going to talk to Scott about helping me move a giant TV to our house. It's only a few inches shorter than me. Don't tell Edwin. He doesn't know yet. I have no idea how I'm going to fit it in the house yet, but I'll figure it out. Edwin had been wanting a big TV for forever. Can't wait to see him playing his golf game in front of it. Shooting zombies should be easier too. :-) I'll take pictures after I get it in.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

New Blog

I started a new blog about amazing women over 40. It's still in progress, so bear with me. The idea is to fill it with stories about women who are over 40 (obviously) and who are inspiring to the rest of us struggling with all the "fun" getting older brings. 

Although I've started with famous women, I'd like stories about mother's, sisters and friends as well, who are not receiving public acclaim for their strength. If you're interesting in sharing your stories, or know someone who is, please feel free to send me your stories.

Check out the new blog here.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Bad Shots

Here are some unusable nature shots that look better small,

took a lot of processing,

were just too cute to trash,

overexposed in spots,

and manipulated for this blog.  :-)

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Under the Ford Parkway Bridge.

Yesterday I woke up to snow. I was cold all day and couldn't get warm. Today the sun is out and it's warming up. So is my mood. :-)

Found this on the net.

I'm back to editing the book I wrote in December. I've decided that's my job today. Well, that and blogging, some web work and reading. It is the weekend after all. Edwin brought me home another 10 books this week. Talk about co-dependent. And I can't stand seeing them sitting there unread. It's just so wrong.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Abandoned railroad tracks in MN.

I'm going to see some art in the morning with Kevin. It's been so long, I'm really looking forward to it. For those of you who don't know, Kevin was one of the artists at the gallery. He helped me so much I should have just hired him. 

In the evening I'll be seeing Edwin's play, Brighton Beach Memoirs. It's opening night and I'm excited!

Monday, March 16, 2009


Part of the Ford Parkway Bridge, from underneath it. Next to the Mississippi River.

Went for a long walk with Quentin and Joco today. It's a beautiful 66 out there, everything is melting and I can tell summer is coming by the amount fur flying off the dog when he shakes.

Even though it's nice out, everyone seems a bit off. It's like people have lived too long in the dark and are reluctant to trust the weather. Maybe it's just me. I don't want to miss a single day of nice weather in Minnesota, and I think anyone who does must be mad. Eh, whatever. I'm going out and risking the cosmic rays some more.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


It's Sunday, the sun is shinning and it's getting warmer by the minute. It's already 36 degrees out there and it's supposed to reach 53.  People will be out in shorts.  Pretty soon I'll start feeling human again.

I used to hate Sundays. Saturdays too. There was always so much to do that I didn't enjoy. When I was younger I preferred going to school over the weekends. When I was older it just meant tons of responsibilities to take care of. Now, I love them. It's down time. (Well, except for that party last night.) I'm on book 2 of the "Twilight" series and when I finish that I'm taking the dog for a nice long walk with my camera hanging around my neck. Joco will love all the newly uncovered rotting things out there. 

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Stuff 2

Too many toys? Naw, you can never have too many toys...

This is a cat. Really. Sometimes we can't tell which end is his head. During those times we refer to him as the tribble. When he's awake and yelling in the kitchen to be petted, he's Fizzgig. The rest of the time he's just Leo.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Observe the Failure of Local Realism

Must have been Photoshopped.

Check out this article. Ignore the article (unless you like science, "it's fun!") and move on to the comments. It may not explain the failure of Local Realism, but it does explain the Failure of Man to evolve.  The short explanation is that we prefer fighting to learning.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Me and Kids

This is what happens when you leave me with your children.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Q, Sharkey and Neil

Quentin and I went to the MOA to see Coraline in 3D. Neil Gaiman ROCKS.

There, we ran into Sharkey.

Sharkey seemed to love the camera.

And he was looking for dinner.

We found out you could buy anything at MOA.

Even things you never thought anyone would make.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Green Dreams

Reflection on the sidewalk.

This is the time of year I find it hard to take outdoor pictures. The trees are bare. The grass is brown. The snow is dirty.

Minnesota Iceberg. 

I took the dog for a walk yesterday and tried to see the possibilities out there, as I'm sure other photographers do, but I just want to see some green.

Melting Glacier.

It was warm at least, (45) and sunny. Sunny is good. Sunny is very good. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I added a new photo page to my website. 

This site made me laugh, but it's serious.

I am soooo ready for spring. I really need to leave town in the winter. Be a snow bird. Have a house in California in the winter. My father wrote to tell me it's 82 degrees where he lives. Ok, I admit, he wrote about more things than that, and he sent me a beautiful necklace. 

Tonight I'm going out to dinner with Emily. We'll be discussing websites and writing books. Which reminds me, I broke down and read another book. I have no self control...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sewing & Twitter

Y Jane's Russian lace.

Mary's quilting

Mary's left overs xmas quilt.

The back of the quilt.

O Jane's mittens. She makes 100s of them and gives them to poor and homeless children. She also makes hat's and scarves. 

Tonight is sewing circle. It really is my stress relief. Far better than medication and so much cheaper! I'm bringing the ladies gifts tonight. I've been de-cluttering the house and there were a few things I thought they would enjoy, like porcelain roses for the younger Jane (she collects them) and work lights for Mary's sewing room. I have six other bags going to Savers, and there's still so much to go through. It feels really good to clear out the house. Too much clutter makes my brain feel cluttered! 

I just joined Twitter. I know, I'm so uncool to be joining so late in the game. I still have yet to figure it all out, but who knows? It could be fun.