Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Strange Things

Can you see the shirt in this picture?

I've been working on the gallery. Covering the ceiling with fabric, reorganizing the small storage room and adding shelves. I'm tired now. Every part of me hurts. Could I be getting old? Naw...

Cozies gone wild.

Tonight is sewing circle and I have knitting on the brain.

What size are those needles?

This morning I meet the rest of the people at the new job. I really wish it would thaw here so I could ride my bike there.

Knitters with tattoos. Go figure.

Edwin is still horribly sick and his show starts this weekend! Yucky!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow. It took me a long time to make out the shirt guy. Greg saw it immediately. Funny how we all see things differently....