Friday, October 23, 2009


Oh, the lengths I will go to in order to keep my hairy boy happy. Today we walked in the rain, the freezing rain because the walks make him happy. Then I stood in the rain some more and watched him eat his food because he likes "hunting" it outside, but likes to have company while he hunts. I am frozen. My feet feel like icicles, but Joco is happy and has a full meal in his stomach. Hopefully soon he'll feel better and get back to normal.

Tonight Edwin's play opens and I get to watch him die again. I'm looking forward to doing something different from unpacking, cleaning and job hunting.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Quick Update

Here's a cell phone picture of the new house. We're still living in boxes mostly and Emily and Tony are still moving stuff out. What's making me nuts is wanting to unpack all my art and music stuff, but the room I picked is still full of Tony's things.

Joco did not take the move well and has been pretty depressed. The last few days he's started showing interest in things again, so I'm hopeful he'll get better soon. It's sad to see him so depressed. Our plan to cure him consists of lots of walks and treats. Really good treats, like beef and chicken.

I'm job hunting for a regular day job. Something that doesn't require brain surgery and that I don't take home with me. Wish me luck.

NaNoWriMo (write a novel in a month) starts November 1st, so if you're interested in joining the madness, just click here and you can check out the site and rules. I know there is one closet writer out there that I would love to have as a partner in crime, but I wont mention names. (Holly... Holly?) OK, I lied. But really Holly, you'd be great!

The magazine has been delayed until January. The move and lack of Internet put me way behind, so I've bit the disappointment bullet and delayed publication.

Oh, yeah, I've dyed my hair dark brown in an attempt to look normal and more employable than a metallic redhead.

Friday, October 2, 2009


"Oh my gosh!!! The dude just drove through a red light but he was foiled at the next one. He was going to go, though."

Ironic is posting on Facebook about a bad driver, and texting while you're driving to do it.


I'm back tracking here because it's been so long since I last posted. These pictures I took with my cell phone (And they are all crappy, but I thought I'd post them anyway.) at the Iveys. For those of you who don't know what the Iveys are, just click on the link. For those of you who do know what they are, I prefer to call it "The Actor's Prom."

This is a picture of Josette. I met her in the front of the building, where I was sitting with my shoes off trying to ignore the pain. She was the highlight of my evening so she gets first billing. She does a lot of charity work and deserves a lot more credit than she gets. And she looked amazing! I wish the picture showed that.

People outside of the building, smoking.

A limo.

A view from the balcony.

The stage.

Inside the theater.

They both had huge rings on their fingers so I made them "display" them.

Edwin, the cast of Mary Tyler Moore and some other wonderful people.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Everyone is Dead

Everyone is dead. I know this because it's been days since my phone calls and emails have been returned. It's not like I have time to wait for them. I have deadlines to meet and time is passing faster every minute.

It must have been a virus. I don't know where it came from, maybe some government chemical warfare experiment got loose. What I do know is that whatever happened... It left zombies behind. Not the typical, biting, flesh eating zombies, but game playing, Facebook zombies.

They email me daily, several times a day, each demanding gifts and help on missions. They can't stop their zombie minds from playing, and they spread like a disease. I see more and more of them signing up to play games, asking others to be friends, their personal lives grinding to a halt as the virus does its work. And it makes me sure in my knowledge that everyone else is dead. I may be the only uninfected human left on earth.

I must come up with an antidote. I must hurry because my deadlines are looming and I need healthy, living human beings. Humans... I miss them. I miss conversation, sharing ideas, and most of all, making money from them. Maybe... Oh my God... Could it be this simple? I could write a Facebook application. Yes, that's it! That has to be the answer!

I must retreat to the laboratory now. Time is of the essence! I will post more on the results of my experiments... Hopefully, there is someone out there, listening.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Minnesota State Fair

Quentin, Robin and I went to the Minnesota State Fair.

This is not a crowded day. Wait until the weekend!

The International Bazaar has Native Americans...

I'm pretty sure that's a Diet Coke.

She's wondering if he's lost again.

Some people come in costume. I have no idea why.

She's protecting him?

I think he's quoting someone.

Turning wood without electricity. Too cool for words.

These are the old toys you could win.

We all agreed they looked spooky.

I want them anyway... or maybe because they're spooky!

I love the miniatures.

Yes, it's true. In Mn people carry around deer heads.

Quentin, unknown guy and Robin shooting. We bullied her into it.

It's one of the few places you can really find a person with a monkey on his back.

Apparently it keeps you hopping.

They redecorated the haunted house ride.

We thought it looked pretty cool so we went on it.

It sucked horribly. It couldn't scare a 5 year old.

And just for some additional info, This looks a lot like the neighborhood I'm living in.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Pictures and Studies

Some pictures of the frog pond by us.

More "duh" studies I ran into today;
"Study finds young women's satisfaction with own body image suffers after viewing ultra-thin TV characters."
"Research shows temptation more powerful than individuals realize."

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

Food and Skulls

Last night Edwin and I visited our friend Scott, only to find out that Sunday night is also neighbor night and they all bring food. After a meal of steak, bacon wrapped pork loin, rabbit spaghetti, chinese salad and corn on the cob, I was pretty much in a food coma. It was great. I also got to try the infamous Crystal Head Vodka that Dan Aykroid sells. I want the bottle!

Today I found out that peaches are now on the list of things I can't eat. It's sad, but swollen eyelids are not pretty. And I'm still trying to get my energy back. They pack a mean punch.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Edwin as Ted

The Mary Tyler Moore Show - Live

Can't wait to see it!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Death of a Fantasy

I have this fantasy about living in Montana, far away from civilization. I'm sitting in a rocking chair on the porch of my house holding a shotgun in my hands, yelling,

"Get the hell off my property!"

This is the fantasy I have for those times when I'm sick of the human race, all the bills to pay and the kids screaming "Go poopy!" in the house behind this one. I realize now that that fantasy has been shot to hell, never to be used again. I hate living outside of the city. It's not that I don't like to go camping and hang out in the wilderness for a while, I really like that, but living out here for two months has brought on a new kind of isolation that I can't wait to get away from. And this is only the suburbs. Could you see me in Montana? There'd be no shotgun and tough guy attitude. It would just be me on my hands and knees begging someone to get me the hell out of there.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

I want a Holodeck

I want a Holodeck. You know, the thing on Star Trek where you get to create your own fantasies in a room via holo-technology. The only thing I want more than that (of fantasy items) is a Transporter. Minnesota winters wouldn't have a chance to freeze me to the bone. I'd just step into the Transporter and I'd be whisked to wherever I wanted to go. Unfortunately, I'll have to wait for science to catch up with my needs. Lucky for me I just might get to see something like a Holodeck in my lifetime. Check out the video below.

Can you imagine what shooting zombies on the Wii will be like? Oh, happy me. I wonder how much it will cost. Hmmm. I better get to work and start saving.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Edwin and Stuff

Here's a small bit of Edwin's current play, and a review here.

And just for some fun, here's more of those expensive "Duh" studies.

"Mother's mental condition affects teenagers"

"More leisure time means more health and happiness"

Here's one for the Dune fans. I LOVE this t-shirt. Wish I would have thought of it.


Sunday, August 2, 2009


I'm trying out the embed feature for online magazines here. The magazine below features my cousin, Holly's quilts. I love them!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Party Animals

Saturday evening we went to two parties. It was dark, but I brought my camera anyway and decided to play.

I hate using the flash, so I tried taking pictures with out it with long shutter times. The hardest thing was trying to focus, when I couldn't see what I was focusing on.

These pictures are the few I salvaged from the experiment.

I learned a lot though, mostly that fire is good and Photoshop is amazing.

The picture above was entirely black before Photoshop got a hold of it. Not exactly high quality, but I kind of like it anyway.

I'm looking forward to trying more at the next party.

A distorted view of Joco.

Another distorted picture shot with the fisheye lens.

Joco will not bother the cats when they're drinking or eating. There's a small cat treat by the water dish in this picture and he's hoping Leo wont eat it. This time he got lucky.

Leo always looks pissed off. He's actually very sweet.

Guinness is the softest kitty. He's a cuddler. Another distorted pic.

This is how we know what street to turn on. I don't know these people but I'm sure I like them!