Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Tomorrow I go to meet my father. Today it has become real to me. I'm nervous. What do I bring? What do I wear? What will he be like? 

I find it odd that there are so few people interested in this. If it were someone else, I would be. Maybe it's because everyone I know has a biological father that they grew up with. They don't wonder what he's like or what they have inherited from his genes.  Honestly, it's a little disappointing. It's an important event for me.

Emily is almost as excited as I am. Her parents took in foster children and she's had some insight into people meeting parents for the first time. It's nice to have someone to talk to I know I won't bore to death. The sewing circle ladies are great to talk to too. You blog readers are just stuck with me! Although, I do know one reader will be interested and adding to her genealogy. :-) 

I'm going to update the blog when I can find an Internet connection. There must be coffee shops with Internet somewhere nearby. Stay tuned for pictures!

1 comment:

Mugsy said...

Just for the record, I'm completely interested in what's up with you. Remember that email I typed before I lost power on was all about meeting your Father! You're in my thoughts (as always, I'm just holding you a little tighter right now!) and I'll be just a phone call away if you need anything!