Thursday, May 28, 2009

Bug Bait

I hate the cold. I hate bugs. I live in Minnesota where it can get to -30 degrees in the winter , and I get bitten by mosquitos, spiders and wood ticks all summer. I need to move out of this state.

All winter long I can't wait until it's summer so that I can thaw and feel warm again. Then summer comes and with it, the bug bites. Like I said, I hate bugs, but they love me. Seriously. I must taste really good. I went camping with some friends one summer and I was covered with wood ticks. I pulled 14 off of me on the drive home. That doesn't include the ones while I was camping. No other person had even one wood tick on them. Just me.

I am always the first person to get bit by a mosquito in spring. What's the big deal? They're just mosquitos, they itch a little and go away, right? Not for me. Every summer I have a different reaction to the bites. Sometimes they're big, sometimes they turn an angry red, sometimes they turn purple and don't fade for months. This year it's a blister year. Or sort of like a blister anyway. This is a picture of a bite I got three days ago. I haven't itched it even once.

The question is now, how long will it last and how big will it get? And I haven't even mentioned the spider bites yet. They love me too. Ok, I promise I won't post any more bite pictures. But I have to say, again, why do I live here?

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