Sunday, May 10, 2009

Nature in the City

Yesterday Quentin came over and we took Joco for a walk. It was windy, but I wanted to take some pictures anyway, and I wanted to use the Big Lens. Using that lens means I have to hold very still. A bit of a problem in the wind, but I defied logic and took it anyway, so I got a lot of blurred pictures. But it was really fun anyway.

The little doves above were just outside my kitchen window. I almost didn't see them because they blended so well into the tree.

I wish this guy wasn't blurred. He looks like he's making a face.

I love Dandilions and those little purple weeds. I wish everyone did. It would make yard work so much easier. These were in the park where they've left nature to do her thing. Nature is smarter than us.

Mallards are everywhere in Minnesota. This guy was just across the street from the light rail. He couldn't be bothered by the traffic.

I think this looks like a little fairy world, and by the magic of Photoshop, it will be!

Pretty flowers on a bush. I don't know what they are.

We think we can defy nature. Ha!

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