Monday, May 4, 2009

Work, Jehovah Witnesses and Reality

I have a strong desire today to live in fantasy land. I'd like to sit and work on genealogy and ignore my work. It's not just genealogy, although that is the obsession for today. Producing art, music, taking Joco for a very long walk and reading books have all made it into my fantasies. Reality, though, keeps calling. It's a lot like the Jehovah Witnesses knocking on my door this morning. Both keep coming back and insisting that I believe in a life devoid of holidays, vacations and money. They just won't go away. Luckily I can just ignore the Jehovah Witnesses. Reality is another matter.

Bills need to be paid. Living in reality and spending the day working is the only way to accomplish that. The Lottery just won't give up it's magic numbers. *sigh* Oh well, I guess I better get to it.

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