Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Today I am trying to get focused. It's like my mind is on a circular track and I need to somehow make it get off and do something different. It feels like (and mind you I know it's just my brain running that track) Like everything in my life is set up to make anything I do or want to do more difficult than it should be. Winter, the bus system, Joco's health and my own are just a few of the things getting in the way. And then there is that focus problem. It's hard to move forward when you no longer trust yourself to make a good decision or believe you have the capability. Again, logically I know it's all in my head, but emotionally, well, emotions have been taking over. The goal for the day is to get unstuck and focus, even if just for a half an hour. Baby steps, right?

So, on to the positive. (See, I'm working on it.) I have good friends. (include cousins in that) Really good friends. Not a lot, but the ones I have are wonderful. I have even gained a friend through this. Someone else going through the same thing. We've been having great online sessions. It helps to get it out. Of course when these things happen, you do find out who your friends really are. I have lost a few that I thought were my friends, but it's their loss. I've been there for them, and they have lost that support system. It's sad, but I can live with it. If they feel they have to choose, then so be it. Occasionally you need to weed the garden or the weeds will choke out the flowers. I will keep moving forward with my small but wonderful group of friends.

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