Saturday, February 27, 2010


Joco has been having health problems and they were decidedly worse when I got back from NY. It looks like he had a bad fall while I was gone and damaged his back. The vet gave me more pain killers and anti-inflammatory pills, but he's really having a bad time of it. At this point he can barely walk and his hind legs only support him part of the time. I've been half carrying him outside when he has to go, which is difficult with a 100 pound dog to say the least. I'm just hoping he'll get better if I keep him confined and off his feet as much as possible. I've been keeping him off his bed, which he's not to happy about! But it's a love seat and he'd have to climb to get into it, so we've been sleeping in the living room since I got home. He has some cushions but he still wants his bed. Poor baby! It's hard to watch him go through this. I hate seeing him suffer.

This has really taken a lot of my focus lately, so I really don't have anything else to write about right now. And yes, I'm trying. :-)

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