Saturday, May 2, 2009

Cousin Monika, Me, My mother Inge, sister Andrea, My grandmother (my Oma), cousin Thomas

Yesterday morning I woke up to an email from my father. It's hard to explain how good it is to have a parent like this. Even this late in life it has a healing effect.

Later that morning my daughter Pam emailed, and for lunch I met with my son, Quentin. When I got home my cousin Monika had joined facebook. Edwin was home on break from rehearsal and we had time to talk, then we both had to leave, much to Joco's dismay, and I rode my bike over to my cousin Randy's house to work on genealogy.

His daughter, Stella (yes, that's right) was there. She's turning twelve today. I met her before when her grandmother died, now she is twice the size. She's 4' 8" and destined to make it to at least 6". We connected immediately and have exchanged email addresses and phone numbers. She sent me home with a model of a hydrogen peroxide molecule made with marshmallows. How could I not love her?

Emma Hendrickson Lyford

Randy (Randall) had two boxes of pictures, papers and letters. I felt like I was handling gold. There were letters to my great grandmother Stella (yes, that's right too.) from her daughter Janet. Pictures of my grandmother Jayne and, I think, a picture of my grandfather LeRoy!!! Randy scanned it for me, but it got lost on his computer. I'm hoping he finds it soon! I want to compare it to the one picture of him I have. The time period is right, and he is standing next to my grandmother in a group portrait in Omaha. It's so exciting for me! Oh, and Holly, there was a picture of Melvine! I came home with a diary of my great, great grandmother's (Emma Lyford, nee Hendrickson) to transcribe!

Randy gave me a ride home and saved my poor legs a trip back home. It was my first bike ride since last fall and boy, did I feel it. Five miles was a bit much for the first time out. Edwin was back and Joco was pleased. I am also pleased. I never thought I would find myself so surrounded by family. It feels good.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see a different picture of Melvine! I only have one stern-looking one of her in a painting.