Monday, July 27, 2009

Party Animals

Saturday evening we went to two parties. It was dark, but I brought my camera anyway and decided to play.

I hate using the flash, so I tried taking pictures with out it with long shutter times. The hardest thing was trying to focus, when I couldn't see what I was focusing on.

These pictures are the few I salvaged from the experiment.

I learned a lot though, mostly that fire is good and Photoshop is amazing.

The picture above was entirely black before Photoshop got a hold of it. Not exactly high quality, but I kind of like it anyway.

I'm looking forward to trying more at the next party.

A distorted view of Joco.

Another distorted picture shot with the fisheye lens.

Joco will not bother the cats when they're drinking or eating. There's a small cat treat by the water dish in this picture and he's hoping Leo wont eat it. This time he got lucky.

Leo always looks pissed off. He's actually very sweet.

Guinness is the softest kitty. He's a cuddler. Another distorted pic.

This is how we know what street to turn on. I don't know these people but I'm sure I like them!

Friday, July 24, 2009


The neighbors are screamers. The parents scream at each other. They scream at the kids. The kids scream back and then at each other. Everyone screams at the dogs. Sometimes the dogs bark back.


They live right behind us, and we can hear every word. Even if their not screaming, which is rare. They have a new puppy who they are attempting to house train by (can you guess?) screaming at it.

"Go potty! Go potty! GO POTTY!" Surely that will work. Needles to say, the dog has no idea what "go potty" means and only knows that every time it goes outside it will be yelled at. I wouldn't want to go outside either.

Joco is very confused by the whole thing. He knows what "go potty" means and it seems to distress him that someone is screaming it. I spend my time trying to relax him by telling me what a good dog he is. He hates this place and will only go outside to go potty. Then it's right back in. Poor dog.

Only a month or two to go until we move again. I'm looking forward to it.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

No Stuff

Through the peep hole.

It's been a pretty boring week, and a frustrating one. Everything I had scheduled this week got cancelled and had to be rescheduled. Because of that I missed sewing circle. Sad. I even read a bad book by an award winning author. It was a totally implausible murder mystery with characters I couldn't bring myself to care about.

Edwin has been working and working. I've barely seen him this week, so that's added to the loneliness factor of living out in boonie-land without transportation. Again, it was a boring week.

On the bright side, I found a new sight that will enable me to create some fun, online stuff. Secret stuff... For now. I feel like I might finally get back on track, kind of like I felt when the week started and my schedule was packed. *sigh*

Monday, July 20, 2009

My latest book that I'm reading is called "Mind Hunter" by John Douglas and Mark Olshaker. It's a true story about the FBI agent who made profiling famous and the model used for the FBI agent in "Silence of the Lambs, and it's fascinating.

I thought, for only a moment, that it would be a book Quentin would enjoy as well, because he loves psychology and and the study or human behavior as much as I do. (With our family of black widows, would there be any doubt?) But after actually reading the book, as good as it is, there's no way in hell I'm passing it on to him. I think I'll wait until he's been married for 50 years and it won't permanently ruin any chance of a healthy sex life. Good lord, it's graphic! I'm surprised I haven't had nightmares. Although all the dreams I had last night were narrated by a male, FBI type voice.

Delilah, my Black Widow ggg grandmother.

The horror of serial killers aside, it's really an amazing book. I would never want to be the one lying to this guy. Five minutes with Mr. Douglas and I'd be confessing to the apple pie I stole from the kitchen when I was two years old and everything in between.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


My favorite dragon picture.

It's early morning and I'm not sure I should be writing before I've finished at least one cup of coffee, but the day can get away from me so quickly. I'm feeling much better these days, my stomach is just about back to normal and I'm back to trying to be productive. It seems like the longer you let things go, the harder it is to get back to them. I procrastinate enough without my body insisting on it.

Yesterday I added another part of Emma's journal to her blog. It's such a different life from the one I know. I can't figure out what's happening with Charles, Emma's husband. He doesn't seem to be living at home, only coming home occasionally to attend a meeting. Had they separated already? I know they had eventually, the story I was told is that Charles lost his mind because of a brain tumor and accused Emma of having an affair. Whatever the true story is, Emma does appear to be holding down the fort, but Charles seems to be functioning well enough to attend to business. I love a good mystery and my family has had more than most.

I can't wait to see the new Harry Potter movie. Edwin and I might be able to see it tomorrow if everything goes smoothly. All the hype makes me want to listen to the stories again, for the umpteenth time! Maybe I will, since they are all on my computer along with some German versions.

I'm babbling. Need more caffeine. Enjoy the day.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Real Food


I'm on the mend and venturing into the great outdoors today, if you consider the Mall of America the great outdoors. Quentin and I are going to see a movie. Which movie is still up for debate. I'm hitching a ride with Edwin to his job downtown and then catching the rail to MOA. If I took the bus from here it would be a two hour trip. I wont be sad to move.

Yesterday Kevin came over with more movies. We spent some time bouncing around the idea of making a short animated film. He had some new artwork with him, these little egg people, and I think it would be a kick to use them. They look just a little... evil! The big news of the day is that I was able to eat real food! Things still aren't quite right but it stayed down and caused no pain. I am a happy girl.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Crud and Luck

The Best Husband Award goes to....

Moving away from all you know can really knock you off balance as Mugsy knows only too well. I had plans to make myself a new routine, and new schedule in an attempt to orient myself to the new place and feel less unsettled, but life had other plans. After the move there was Convergence, then after Convergence was the bout of stomach bleeding, (not such an uncommon thing for me) and tracking down the offending item and taking it off the list of things I can eat or drink. One day of recovery from that and, lucky me, I got a good dose of food poisoning. This is what I get for trying to be healthy and eating a salad.

Today I am feeling better. I'm still very tired and my stomach aches a little, but I don't think I'll have to spend the whole day in bed again. The big plan is to work on the computer and try to take Joco for a once around the circle of town homes.

The good news is that I discovered Edwin is very good with a vomiting wife and did not run from the scene screaming. He went out of his way to take care of me, (and is still taking care of me) and even consoled Joco who was very upset by the incident.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Convergence Pics

Two headed babies rock!

I'm back and dead on my feet. It was just too much so soon after the move. Next year I don't think I'm going to work it. I want to have more time just to have fun. I want someone to go with rather than being by myself 90 percent of the time because I'm working. Really, that's not fun.

There were a lot of Steam Punk costumes there this year. I love them.

Other than the being alone part, it was really interesting as usual. I love the Steam Punk fashion. For those of you that don't know what that is, it's Victorian with a lot of gears. :-) Think H. G. Wells' story technology and you've got it, or just do a Google image search.

I don't know this character, but I'm sure someone can fill me in.

I'm just not a big enough nerd to know all the comic book characters, but there were plenty at the con. It was really amazing how much work and creativity some people put into their costumes. I wish I could have taken more pictures, but that will be another advantage of not working the con next year.

Pirates are still popular this year.

A very tired conventioneer.

Lots of people bring their children to the con. There are classes and science rooms for them. The con uses it's proceeds to further children's education. This year they're even sending some to Space Camp.

A fur coat with a lot of padding!

More Steam Punk.

One of the Authors giving a reading.

There are guest authors that give readings and advice on the panels. The one pictured above was so very entertaining, but I don't remember his name and I'm too lazy right now to look it up.

Zombie Snot

There are many different rooms you can visit during the con. People go all out making the generic hotel rooms look interesting. One of my favorites was "Ales from the Crypt" and not just because some of my friends host that one. :-) The zombie pictured above has "Zombie Snot" running out of it's nose. You get your drink by holding the glass under it. Creepy, disgusting and absolutely brilliant. I love it.

Little Salem

There is a dealer's room where you can buy everything geeky and creepy. I bought Quentin a Hiro figurine from the show "Heroes."


The Kissing Booth. Proceeds go to Breast Cancer research.

A classic Kirk pose.

Getting ammo?

The Pagan room.

The House of Toast.

The House of Toast is one of the most popular rooms. They make it look like you're in a giant toaster. You wouldn't believe the line for free toast.

I actually own one of these bleeding eye punch bowls.

Many rooms serve drinks.

This one had deviled eggs! Yum!

The Serenity Room.

Another of my favorite rooms.

The other side. Just beautiful!


Sometimes the food and drink are questionable, but it doesn't seem to stop anyone from eating or drinking.

Simple but effective.

A full sized fountain.

One of the Panel rooms.

DDR room.

Ales from the Crypt.

A shot of the room. You can see the zombie in full. The bar is a glass topped coffin with a dead guy inside.

Their other room, where you can shoot zombies. They were also showing "Thriller" all night on the balcony.

Some more pictures I'm too tired to comment on. Maybe my brain will make an appearance later in the day.