Monday, July 6, 2009

Convergence Pics

Two headed babies rock!

I'm back and dead on my feet. It was just too much so soon after the move. Next year I don't think I'm going to work it. I want to have more time just to have fun. I want someone to go with rather than being by myself 90 percent of the time because I'm working. Really, that's not fun.

There were a lot of Steam Punk costumes there this year. I love them.

Other than the being alone part, it was really interesting as usual. I love the Steam Punk fashion. For those of you that don't know what that is, it's Victorian with a lot of gears. :-) Think H. G. Wells' story technology and you've got it, or just do a Google image search.

I don't know this character, but I'm sure someone can fill me in.

I'm just not a big enough nerd to know all the comic book characters, but there were plenty at the con. It was really amazing how much work and creativity some people put into their costumes. I wish I could have taken more pictures, but that will be another advantage of not working the con next year.

Pirates are still popular this year.

A very tired conventioneer.

Lots of people bring their children to the con. There are classes and science rooms for them. The con uses it's proceeds to further children's education. This year they're even sending some to Space Camp.

A fur coat with a lot of padding!

More Steam Punk.

One of the Authors giving a reading.

There are guest authors that give readings and advice on the panels. The one pictured above was so very entertaining, but I don't remember his name and I'm too lazy right now to look it up.

Zombie Snot

There are many different rooms you can visit during the con. People go all out making the generic hotel rooms look interesting. One of my favorites was "Ales from the Crypt" and not just because some of my friends host that one. :-) The zombie pictured above has "Zombie Snot" running out of it's nose. You get your drink by holding the glass under it. Creepy, disgusting and absolutely brilliant. I love it.

Little Salem

There is a dealer's room where you can buy everything geeky and creepy. I bought Quentin a Hiro figurine from the show "Heroes."


The Kissing Booth. Proceeds go to Breast Cancer research.

A classic Kirk pose.

Getting ammo?

The Pagan room.

The House of Toast.

The House of Toast is one of the most popular rooms. They make it look like you're in a giant toaster. You wouldn't believe the line for free toast.

I actually own one of these bleeding eye punch bowls.

Many rooms serve drinks.

This one had deviled eggs! Yum!

The Serenity Room.

Another of my favorite rooms.

The other side. Just beautiful!


Sometimes the food and drink are questionable, but it doesn't seem to stop anyone from eating or drinking.

Simple but effective.

A full sized fountain.

One of the Panel rooms.

DDR room.

Ales from the Crypt.

A shot of the room. You can see the zombie in full. The bar is a glass topped coffin with a dead guy inside.

Their other room, where you can shoot zombies. They were also showing "Thriller" all night on the balcony.

Some more pictures I'm too tired to comment on. Maybe my brain will make an appearance later in the day.

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