Thursday, July 16, 2009


My favorite dragon picture.

It's early morning and I'm not sure I should be writing before I've finished at least one cup of coffee, but the day can get away from me so quickly. I'm feeling much better these days, my stomach is just about back to normal and I'm back to trying to be productive. It seems like the longer you let things go, the harder it is to get back to them. I procrastinate enough without my body insisting on it.

Yesterday I added another part of Emma's journal to her blog. It's such a different life from the one I know. I can't figure out what's happening with Charles, Emma's husband. He doesn't seem to be living at home, only coming home occasionally to attend a meeting. Had they separated already? I know they had eventually, the story I was told is that Charles lost his mind because of a brain tumor and accused Emma of having an affair. Whatever the true story is, Emma does appear to be holding down the fort, but Charles seems to be functioning well enough to attend to business. I love a good mystery and my family has had more than most.

I can't wait to see the new Harry Potter movie. Edwin and I might be able to see it tomorrow if everything goes smoothly. All the hype makes me want to listen to the stories again, for the umpteenth time! Maybe I will, since they are all on my computer along with some German versions.

I'm babbling. Need more caffeine. Enjoy the day.

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