Thursday, July 2, 2009


I'm getting ready to leave for the convention. I still haven't received my schedule, which kind of sucks. I wanted to look up the people I would be video taping so that I would know a little more about them, yet not have to read the entire list of appearances and workshops. Maybe I'll have time to catch up between things.

I'm packing my computer in hopes that I'll still be able to blog. There is supposed to be wifi, so let's hope. I wake up early, and at a convention that means everyone is still asleep and the few people roaming have been up all night. I should have plenty of time to load pictures into the blog each morning.

The convention provides free coffee and food for the staff, and I know where the coffee shop is by heart. :-) I'm still going to try to be good and drink lots of water, take my vitamins and sneak in naps if there's time. I talked to a pharmacist about a topical pain killer in case I have a flare up, and she recommended some Gold Bond stuff with a numbing agent in it. Apparently it was that or hemorrhoid cream. I'd feel a bit funny walking around with that in my pocket!

So that's it. Wish me luck and lots of energy.

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