Friday, July 10, 2009

Crud and Luck

The Best Husband Award goes to....

Moving away from all you know can really knock you off balance as Mugsy knows only too well. I had plans to make myself a new routine, and new schedule in an attempt to orient myself to the new place and feel less unsettled, but life had other plans. After the move there was Convergence, then after Convergence was the bout of stomach bleeding, (not such an uncommon thing for me) and tracking down the offending item and taking it off the list of things I can eat or drink. One day of recovery from that and, lucky me, I got a good dose of food poisoning. This is what I get for trying to be healthy and eating a salad.

Today I am feeling better. I'm still very tired and my stomach aches a little, but I don't think I'll have to spend the whole day in bed again. The big plan is to work on the computer and try to take Joco for a once around the circle of town homes.

The good news is that I discovered Edwin is very good with a vomiting wife and did not run from the scene screaming. He went out of his way to take care of me, (and is still taking care of me) and even consoled Joco who was very upset by the incident.


Mugsy said...

It's true. 1500 miles and 2 apartments later I still feel discombobulated. yeah for Edwin for taking good care of you. Wanna have a phone date Sunday night?

Stella said...

Absolutely, your on.