Friday, January 29, 2010

Friends, Work and Kitties

I went out to dinner with Emily and Tony last night to discuss and plan the Convergence commercials we're working on and just had the best time. We spent half the time working and half the time getting caught up on people we haven't seen in a while. Or maybe I could call it gossiping? Is it gossiping when nothing bad is said? Anyway, I felt like a kid again. It was fun.

The housing inspector came yesterday and all the work I did was approved. Yea! But it felt weird to suddenly be done in a matter of minutes when it's taken me all month to do the work. :-) Today feels like a day off because the repairs are done, but in reality I have lots to do. I have two programs to learn; Final Cut Pro and Story Board Pro. I have a business plan to work on and, well, lets just say I won't be bored and I won't get done with it all.

Guinness, our 15 pound kitty came lumbering into the bedroom last night. Lumbering is the only word that I can think of that fits the way he walks. He's not graceful like cats are supposed to be. He hits the floor so hard with his feet that he sounds like a full grown human walking through the house. He walks with a slight pull to one side, his shoulders hunch up and the feet don't always match up. Last night he came up on the bed, stepping on me, sliding off, stepping on me and sliding off, every pound finding a sore spot on my body. He finally got to my head. Purring and putting all his weight behind it he gave me a resounding head butt. It hurt and I thought, I love this cat.

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