Sunday, January 10, 2010

Stupid Minnesota

This skeleton appeared in the window while I was making soup.

It's 7 above but it feels like -6. That didn't help me cheer up when I woke up crabby this morning. I never understand that. Was it a dream I had but don't remember? Whatever it is, I am still crabby. Actually, bitter is more like it.

January is a tough month for me. February really isn't much better. It's just too cold and dark in Minnesota, but I'm stuck here because of Edwin and Quentin. That's not a bad reason to be stuck, but I still hate the weather. And I'm still bitter. Right now what I really want is to curl up in a hot bath with good book and have someone else work on the house, pay the bills and in the meantime bring my coffee to the tub for me.

That's not going to happen.

Instead, the plan is to shovel out the stuff Edwin buried in the driveway and bring them in the garage. Clean the drier hose, Replace some of the pieces. Install a light switch in the stairway, fix the carpet in the stairway, install a fire detector in the hallway... OK. I won't keep going on, the list is too long, but you get the idea why I'll probably not be any less bitter by the end of the day. There is just so much to do and I want to be lazy. LAZY!

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