Monday, January 4, 2010

Xmas Zombies and More

Zombie Mice

Somehow, the holiday season has become all about zombies for us. We shoot zombies on the Wii, eat zombie mice and drink brains. Ok, we couldn't get through the brains, they were way too sweet and too high in alcohol. Seriously. One sip and you were done. Not to mention they curdled. Ew.

The undrinkable Brain.

This guy went for the whole head. Keeps the brain fresh.

I did get lots of yarn for xmas, which made me very happy. I have lot's of knitting to do with Emily's baby on the way.

Part of the gift stash. Enough to keep us busy for a while.

and more...

Did I mention how much snow we've been getting and how cold it's been? I hate this. The high this week is supposed to be 9 degrees. Yeah, I really hate this.


I do love the frost though, if I'm looking at it from the inside anyway. It just seems like nothing else in nature. It has no uniformity. Nothing like snowflakes and their 6 sides. It just follows the window's faults and patterns from the moisture in the air or the last time you washed the windows. Sometimes it's jagged, sometimes smooth. In the picture above it reminds me of ferns. Of course, it also means your house is not properly sealed and insulated for the winter... Sigh.

I crocheted some bracelets for gifts this year. I know, who crochets bracelets? But I wanted to keep them, they were so warm! I think I'm going to have to make some for myself. No one has ever accused me of being fashionable. :-)

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