Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Metal, Paper and Joco

Cal Lane

I was just stunned by this guy's work that I saw posted on Dude Craft and felt the need to post it here for those of you not following Paul Overton's blog, Dude Craft. And by the way, why aren't you following Dude Craft? IT ROCKS!

Making lace out of tools and other metals is amazing. I'm not crazy about lacy things, really. Or the color pink, or the rest of the girly stuff. Yeah, I pretty much suck at being a girl, but Cal Lane's art I would gladly display if I could afford it.

Gaming Paper

For those of you who are into gaming, check out Gaming Paper's Big Mini Giveaway. I've already entered. You should too! Then check out the site. It's cool. Geeky cool!


Poor Joco is still having health issues. He's still limping and we still don't know why. The vet sent us home with pain killers and the standard, "He's getting old" speech. I'm really sick of vets, and doctors. Maybe it's just been my luck to find the ones that just want to send you home with more drugs without treating the problem, or even finding out what the problem is.

So now I'm applying heat to his latest bump growing on his leg. The heat makes the antibodies converge at the spot and work on the problem. So far I've had lots of luck with this method and a little massage as well to keep the circulation going. The vet's method is to tell you to come back if it becomes a problem so that they can remove it or drain it and then give you antibiotics to give the pet, but no talk about heat packs and massage. Yes. I am bitter. And even poorer after paying the vet.

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