Friday, January 8, 2010

Yo YoVille!

No really, they named this game YoVille. I'm not kidding. Can anything scream louder, "I'm a geek trying to look cool!" ? It's just too funny. And yes, I play it. Why? Because it lets me buy furniture I can afford and fit into my "House." I love to decorate. Other than that, it's a really lame game. There is nothing else fun to do. The gifts are lame, the incentives are lame and making money is lame... and limited in a big way.

I just can't figure out how Zynga, the creator of FarmVille, could produce such a bomb. It's a different team of programmers and artists I suppose. Still, isn't there some kind of quality control? Hmmm. Good thing I'm not a programmer. I'd probably suck too.

Without further ado, I present my YoVille home.

The Living room.

The Kitchen.

The Bedroom. Yes, I switch styles and basically just have fun with the rooms.

The Toy Room. If only they had more cool toys. The Tesla Ball is fun though!

The Secret Room.

Coolest idea ever on VoVille. Who doesn't want a secret room? Remember the bookcase in the bedroom? Yup, it's just behind there. The strange spiral door eludes me though. Is it supposed to be in another dimension? Huh. Whatever, I still love all the book cases it came with and promptly made a library out of it.

The Bathroom.

The Halloween Room made out of Halloween leftovers. If I get another room I'll probably add a Christmas room.

The Hallway.

Ok, I took a lot of liberty with this one, but hey, it's winter and I needed something "green!"

Now back to work. Go!

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