Saturday, June 27, 2009

Buffy, the Quiet Slayer

Well, the move is done. I finished up Thursday night and then sat on my butt Friday and today, resting. I can't remember the last time I've been so tired. I'm feeling better now though and it's time to get back on track. Tomorrow I meet with the rest of the Convergence videographers and plan out the convention that starts Thursday. Four days of being on my feet. I'm so excited. (Hear the sarcasm?) Anyway, at least I should have some pictures for you that are not of flowers.

Being in someone else's house is a little unsettling. It's weird to have all your things in boxes and you schedule upset. It's time to make a new one. Time to get back to work. It's so quite out here. No rail, no traffic. You can actually see the stars, it's so dark. We've been enjoying that every night. It's also weird to hear other people moving about. This is a townhouse, so people are right on the other side of the wall. I keep thinking someone is in the house, but Joco knows better and only is bothered when someone comes to the door. Sometimes it's really nice to have a big dog, especially when your husband is out every night doing a show.

There's central air, which Joco, the cats and Edwin have been enjoying. There's a large wide screen HD TV which Edwin has been making the most of. Today Kevin came over and brought some movies that were really fun, but I'm back to being alone in the quiet. I've been watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer from season one on for company. I'm used to noise. I like noise. I grew up in the middle of the city. I wonder if I'll get used to the quiet before we move again.

As I'm sure you can tell, I'm still really scattered. It's physically and emotionally tiring moving like that. I feel like all my nerves are raw. Soon, I'm sure it will all settle down. My body is feeling much better, almost all the swelling is gone. Now my brain just has to follow. Convergence will help. I'll have to be focused. I'll have no choice.

Well, back to Buffy I go.

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