Thursday, June 18, 2009

More Caffeine Please

There was a great electrical storm last night. I ran out to take pictures, but in the city it's hard to find a place not obscured but streetlights and power lines. I got one shot of the lightning before it started to rain. It's not very good, but I was still excited to get it. It's my first picture of lightning.

Using a long exposure also means that cars look pretty cool.

I Love this. It ROCKS!

Two days until we move and I'm exhausted. I gave in and asked Edwin to bring me home a case of diet Mountain Dew. (He brought two!) Usually I try to stay away from the chemicals, but drastic measures are needed! I'm finding it harder and harder to sleep as we get closer to Saturday. I lay there thinking about what I need to do next and can't seem to shut my brain off. The Mountain Dew probably wont help the sleeping problem. :-) Oh well, soon it will be over. Until the next time...

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